The Privacy Act (1993) makes sure that everyone has the right to their own privacy. This basically means that images, videos or information about them cannot be "published" without their permission. This also applies to the storage and access of that information.
Using images of others
If you are using photos that you have taken of others, even if they are your close friends, then you need to make sure that you have their permission before using the photos in an assignment.
If you are using images of people, sourced from the internet that have a Creative Commons license then you are free to use the images without worrying about Privacy.
Collecting and storing information about others
If you are doing an assignment which involves making a survey or creating a database and you need to collect personal information (like names, addresses, phone numbers etc) you need to consider the following:
- You need to explain to participants how the information is going to be used.
- The information shouldn't be kept for longer than it is needed.
- The information needs to stored securely.
- The information must be collected in a fair, lawful way from the individuals themselves (not from others).
- The information can only be used for the intended purpose.
- The information cannot be passed on to others
For more details go to this link: Privacy Law
Get permission before using info or images of others.
Next: Moral Considerations
Other Considerations
Apart from copyright, and the related topic of "fair use", you also need to consider things like other people's rights (e.g. their right to privacy) and not offending others. Also you need to know how to reference any items used in your school assignments.

Respecting other rights to privacy is covered by the Privacy Act. One important part of the act is that you cannot share information about or images of others without their permission.
Image source (License: CC0), 5Dec17

Not Offending Others
Moral considerations are very important. The content of your digital outcome must not offend, upset or harm others in any way. This not only applies to the images used, but also the language and information used.
Image source (License: Public Domain), 5Dec17

Correct Referencing
It is good practise to include the source of any item you use from the internet. There are a few accepted ways to do this. Always do it in such a way that it does not effect the design of your digital outcome.
Image source (License:
CC BY Attribution 2.0.), 5Dec17